People keeping hobby chickens, which often mingle in the yard with wild birds, may want to avoid direct contact with their birds or spending time in the chicken coop without...
Thanks to local hero Jim Corliss, who tirelessly compiles the Williamsburg Christmas Bird Count, it's clear that the Dec. 20 outing by 130 birders defied bad weather and the pandemic...
In my last column, I described the ongoing "winter finch" irruption and wistfully suggested that the charismatic evening grosbeak might soon show up. It was a purely aspirational musing; I...
I got a preview of this winter's birds last month by visiting Maine. Large flocks of Pine siskins were moving south and red-breasted nuthatches dangled from spruce branches. Purple finches...
There was a lot of good news for local birds this month, despite our miserable pandemic. The Trump administration was close to making permanent its nonsensical interpretation of the Migratory...
When birds evolved from ancient reptiles, a very important trait that helped them flourish was caring for their young. Most reptiles simply bury their eggs and move on, whereas birds...
This is a great time to get to know your avian neighbors better. The millions of birds that migrated north this spring have nearly finished their passage, with just a...
As the weather warms and the seed bag runs out, you may ask yourself whether the feeders really need to be filled in the warmer months. Bird feeding is as...
Pandemic self-quarantine has led many to develop a closer connection with their bird feeder flock than they ever envisioned. While some birds at the feeder are year-round residents, such as...