It seems national media sees Virginia’s U.S. Sen. Tim Kaine as the frontrunner to become Hillary Clinton’s running mate.
NBC News’ First Read today wondered whether Clinton’s interview with Charlie Rose tipped her hand. When Rose asked about Kaine’s contention he’s too boring to be VP, she responded, “I love that about him. … He’s never lost an election, he was a … world-class mayor, governor, and senator, and is one of the most highly respected senators I know.”
She also praised Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper and Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren, but for First Read, “it sure seemed like the Kaine stuff was a little too well-rehearsed.”
Meanwhile, The Guardian had Kaine at the top of its list of likely VP candidates. The article pointed out that in a poll of political insiders he was considered both a safe and most likely candidate for the job.
And last week, an NPR headline declared Kaine as the “probable vice president pick.”
But not everyone is convinced. Politico reported today that Agriculture Secretary and former Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack’s stock was rising inside the Clinton campaign. Though the article admits Kaine is the front-runner, it says Vilsack has some of the same strengths as Kaine – solid, not flashy, scandal free, a former governor – but he may prove helpful in wooing white working-class men in the Midwest. Plus, as The Washington Post points out, some worry that pulling Kaine out of the Senate might ultimately cost the Democrats his seat, something Clinton would rather avoid.
But then there are the Las Vegas oddsmakers. Last week they gave Kaine the best odds, 4-to-5, of any other Democrat to be named Clinton’s vice president candidate. At the time, they had also made Indiana Gov. Mike Pence the favorite to be named Donald Trump’s running mate, at 4-to-7 odds, and we know how that turned out.
We should find out soon. Clinton’s decision is expected by the end of the week, most likely Friday or Saturday.
?Jeff Reece, 757-446-2164,