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Letters to the Editor |
Letters for June 13: Thank you master gardeners in Ghent Square for all that you do

Letter writers commend master gardeners in Ghent Square for their food production, urge people to restore civility, and suggest Democrats backtrack their stance on a woman’s right to an abortion.

The vegetable garden at Botetourt Gardens in Ghent Square in Norfolk. Neighbors bring their organic scraps to the garden for composting and fresh produce from the garden is donated to the area food bank.
Kendall Warner/The Virginian-Pilot
The vegetable garden at Botetourt Gardens in Ghent Square in Norfolk. Neighbors bring their organic scraps to the garden for composting and fresh produce from the garden is donated to the area food bank.

Master gardeners Re “Ghent gardeners carrying on legacy of historic Norfolk horticulture building’s namesake” (May 28): It was gratifying to see the article regarding the Fred Heutte Center in Ghent Square. I commend Scott and Monica Shepherd for the renovations being made. The story gave little space to the vegetable garden being worked by the […]

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