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Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.
Astrology and horoscopes concept. Astrological zodiac signs in circle on starry background.

General Daily Insight for July 24, 2024

Clarity can be glimpsed through cosmic fog. Still, with the intuitive Moon squaring optimistic Jupiter, it may be hard to see any red flags through our rose-colored glasses. The Moon also misunderstands balanced Venus, bringing a contrast between what we think should happen in a perfect world and what we’re actually feeling inside. Finally, the Moon will conjoin consistent Saturn at 4:31 pm EDT, grounding us and providing us with the mental fortitude to make long-term, stable decisions. Come back down to earth.


March 21 – April 19

Ignored issues could come back to bite you. You might be completely unaware of a problem or you may have consciously avoided this knowledge. Either way, it’s likely to make you feel lost in the dark, whatever form it takes. It could be that you don’t want it to be true because you liked how you felt better before you knew this piece of information, but disregarding it in this way doesn’t make it untrue. Be aware — it’s for the best.


April 20 – May 20

Let your friends lead the way. The obvious answer may not be so obvious to you today, but to the people around you, it’s more likely to be understood. This can incite feelings of isolation or fear — that’s natural. Everyone is in the dark sometimes, and you deserve someone to lead us out of the darkness just as much as others do. Even though it might not initially resonate with you, pay attention to any recent advice you’ve received. It may come in handy.


May 21 – June 20

You could be speaking up without knowing the whole story. While you may feel that you have all the information you need to make an informed decision about an idea, a business, or a person of authority in your life, it’s important to make sure that you actually know what you’re talking about. If not, you could run into trouble, so the less you say might be the better. Stick to talking about what you can back up with objective sources for the time being.


June 21 – July 22

What makes you feel secure might require an upgrade. You may have been hanging onto something out of sentimentality or staying somewhere because of a sense of comfort it brings, but look around! If you’re outgrowing this comfort zone, you’ll notice the places where it’s starting to lose its luster. You could find your soul longing to step outside of the box that you’ve drawn around yourself — making plans to travel could be your best way out. Don’t confuse familiarity with positivity.


July 23 – August 22

Be wary of skipping over an important step. You may have many hopes and dreams, but when you picture them in your head, you could be mentally fast-forwarding over the more difficult tracks on the roadmap to success because they’re not as fun. However, if you continue to avoid these opportunities to work hard and prove that you’re tough enough to live your dreams, then you might find that you’re making less progress than you want to be. Don’t attempt to bypass necessary hard work!


August 23 – September 22

You might be caught between what you want to do and what you have a responsibility to do. Temptation calls your name throughout the day, and exhaustion or impressionability could be making it even more difficult to resist. No matter how relaxing it sounds to ignore your work or let someone else pick up your slack, procrastination is unlikely to pay off in the end. To avoid souring future fun, it would be smart to get your responsibilities out of the way first!


September 23 – October 22

You might be made aware of a timewaster in your life. This could be a repetitive pattern that’s keeping you stuck in a rut, a habit that’s taking up too much of your focus, or even a person who’s impeding your full potential. You could be mentally living in the future or in a fantasy by getting lost in art, but stay alert! Such distractions mean you may miss out on what’s happening in your life in the present. Use your time wisely.


October 23 – November 21

Promises that you make could be risky. It’s important to make sure that you aren’t making unkeepable oaths –because you’re in danger of being tempted or even encouraged to make promises that are a bit out of your range. The people on the other side of these agreements won’t be happy if you fall short of what you said you would deliver! It’s a good idea to refrain from exaggerating, even if something feels possible in the heat of the moment.


November 22 – December 21

Your emotions may be overly dependent on another person. Maybe there’s a peer or mentor in your life that you care deeply for or that you are counting on, but you may end up struggling if you rely on them too heavily at present. They may either be unwilling or unable to give you what you’re looking for, and it can be difficult to emotionally accept being let down by them. Make sure that you have a backup plan for any important projects.


December 22 – January 19

Hidden jealousy from others might be hard to spot. You might find that someone in your circle is not happy for you when it comes to a recent accomplishment or step up in the world. Perhaps they’ll consciously or unconsciously work to divert attention from you rather than encourage you or be honest about their envy. Those who are not in your corner may downplay your accomplishments or attempt to overshadow them, so pay attention to the genuine reactions your good news gets.


January 20 – February 18

You’re capable of having a fun day, but indulging in joyful distractions could cause you to miss out on an opportunity that you’ve been waiting for. It might be a choice between the smart, responsible thing to do and the fun, spontaneous thing to do. There’s not really a wrong direction to take, but you may feel a little disappointed if you focus on what you didn’t do rather than what you did. Just enjoy whichever path you choose to take!


February 19 – March 20

Your heart can guide you back to what you truly want. It may be harder to see through the desires of everybody else when you’re trying to find your calling — or even just a hobby that makes you feel alive. You may be soul-searching right now, and it’s particularly important to find a quiet place where you can listen to your innermost desires and feelings. This should allow you to plot a course straight for them. Don’t shy away from feeling your feelings!