There's no shirking from reality at a time like this. The Sun in Virgo is making its annual opposition to Saturn in Pisces at 12:35 am EDT, making it necessary...
Everyone possesses the ability to shock right now. Messenger Mercury is locking into a combustible square with rebel Uranus at 12:21 am EDT, so our words and ideas are going...
Our emotions are all over the place today, but that doesn't mean we can't make use of them. The Moon in Libra begins with a trine to Jupiter in Gemini,...
We can all be our best selves today -- without making it a chore. The Moon is sailing through pleasant Libra, encouraging us to be fair-minded and amiable. This congeniality...
This is no time to ignore our emotions. The Moon begins the day in Virgo, where it will oppose mystical Neptune before dancing into fair-minded Libra. Things could get overwhelming...
It's almost impossible to know what's what under today's stars in advance. Energetic Mars is making a difficult square to watery Neptune at 12:10 am EDT, which is going to...
Transparency is the name of the game. There is a huge focus on being open with our feelings and inner thoughts as messenger Mercury forms a healing trine to wounded...
The planets are keeping themselves busy today. The Moon in Leo gets right down to business when it conjoins messenger Mercury. Next, change-maker Uranus spins retrograde in stable-minded Taurus, giving...
Enthusiasm could provoke backlash without warning. When the joyful Leo Moon interferes with pessimistic Saturn at 9:18 pm EDT, our moods may simply clash. One person's happiness might be too...
Passion might become uncomfortable at present. As the intuitive Cancer Moon harmonizes with innovative Uranus and creative Neptune, we're likely to enjoy fantasizing freely. In this mellow state, worthwhile thoughts...